“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

Lab Facilities is all about getting a hands-on learning experience by performing numerous practical projects is an essential part of learning and preparation. We have implemented a mechanism of integrated instructional unit method of laboratory learning. In this we pay attention to aspects like;

  1. Cognitive research and highlighting the aspirants learning
  2. Classroom and tutorial instruction being carried out along with impromptu idea and innovative skills
  3. Evaluation of the lab experience of the aspirants in accordance with flow of classroom instructions

For numerous exams, apart from learning from the books, there is lot more involvement required for excelling like, material handling skills, model making, computer application activities etc. Therefore, we provide well-equipped laboratories for respective purposes.

For instance, effective learning and preparation involves a perpetual process of observation and demonstration. Research has established that laboratory teaching and conducting hands-on practical coaching assists the students to grasp the concepts thoroughly. It is also observed that the students can retain the knowledge for a considerably longer period of time when they observe and themselves perform the activities.

By the virtue of our state-of-the-art lab facilities fully equipped with the materials and supplies we have been able to deliver the best to our students and in-turn the students excelling their respective examinations.

Now, let us quickly delve into the importance and goal of providing an ultra-modern laboratory. Here we will discuss how the students can benefit from a well-equipped laboratory;

Lab Facilities – Top Ten advantages of having a laboratory learning methodology:

  1. Observing and understanding the intricacy and complexity of empirical work
  2. Enhancing the skills of practical approach towards a problem
  3. Enhancing presentation skills
  4. Identifying, exploring and recognizing alternative representation abilities
  5. Triggering prompt decision making skills
  6. Information and data reviewing skills
  7. Functionality assessment skills
  8. Involvement and in-turn cultivating interest in the particular subject
  9. Developing reasoning skills
  10. Also assisting in team work skills development as well propagating healthy competition

So, in conclusion a well-setup laboratory and a well structured set of goals can do wonders when it comes to training the bright, talented and young brains.

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