Looking Ahead: The Best IELTS Study Material

IELTS Study Material is a complete set of IELTS Learning and support tools, Sample test papers, Practice books, and video tutorials which will help in a comprehensive IELTS Preparation. As the best IELTS Coaching institute, we at Intello Academy have compiled a set of structured learning resources.

Selecting IELTS study materials is a difficult and time-consuming task. The IELTS Exam is a highly competitive exam because of its rigorous standards. And to get good grades in the IELTS exam, you’ll need to put in a lot of effort, the first of which is getting your hands on some excellent study materials. The IELTS Study Material you use must be trustworthy and comprehensive, and it must convey the necessary knowledge.

And, this is where Intello Academy comes in to not just assist you with the study material but a very comprehensive course structure to help you prepare for the IELTS.

Useful Tips on How to Select IELTS Study Material

  • When choosing IELTS study materials, keep in mind to look for the most recent edition of the book to ensure that the information and contents are current and beneficial.
  • Choosing a freshly published book is the ideal option for obtaining decent IELTS Study material.
  • Candidates should choose publications that are extensive and easy to understand in order to grasp the subject matter efficiently.
  • When choosing a book for IELTS preparation, keep in mind that it should cover all of the areas and topics in the syllabus.
  • We also recommend that you select books published or edited either by well-known writers or take assistance from popular magazines for studying for the IELTS exam.
  • It’s usually a good idea to use books that include IELTS Sample Question Papers and Test Papers for better exam preparation.
  • As one of the most dependable IELTS coaching institutes, we also provide our students with a well-compiled reference or study material. Therefore, they don’t have to look for suitable knowledge resources.

All about the IELTS Test and its types have been discussed in our previous article which you can browse through to get a brief on them here. Therefore, in this article we will be discussing the IELTS Speaking Test, its format, marking, and assessment in complete detail.

What is IELTS Speaking Test?

Paper Format – The IELTS Speaking Test comprises of oral interview 1 – on – 1 between the test taker and the examiner, and the whole process will be recorded.

Duration – 11 – 14 Minutes

Task Type – There are three parts to the test and each part solves a specific purpose, in terms of assessing the candidate’s interaction pattern, and the candidate’s response with respect to task input.

What is the IELTS Speaking Test Format?

The Test format of the IELTS Speaking Test is that it will assess your use of the English language while you speak. Each of the Tasks will be recorded. The IELTS Speaking Test comprises 3 Parts:

Part 1 – The examiner will ask you broad questions about yourself as well as a variety of familiar topics including home, family, career, studies, and hobbies. This section lasts about four to five minutes.

Part 2 – You will be handed a card here that requires you to discuss a specific topic. Before speaking for up to two minutes, you will have one minute to prepare. After that, the examiner will ask one or two questions on the same subject.

Part 3 – Here, you will be asked further questions about the topic in Part 2. These will allow you to talk about more abstract concepts and issues. This section of the test takes about four to five minutes.

What are the details of the IELTS Speaking Test?

Here we will further discuss the activities which you will have to perform as well as the scenario which you will face in each of the parts discussed above.

PART 1 – Introduction and Interview (H4)

Task Type and Format – The examiner introduces himself and verifies the identity of the test-takers in this section. They next ask the test taker generic questions about their home, family, jobs, studies, and hobbies. Questions are taken from a script to maintain uniformity. Part 1 may last for as long as 4–5 minutes.

Task Focus – This section of the test assesses your ability to convey thoughts and facts about ordinary issues, as well as common events or situations, by answering a series of questions.

PART 2 – Long Run

Task Type and Format – This section is an individual long run, The examiner hands the test takers a task card that instructs them to discuss a certain topic, lists points to cover in their discussion, and asks them to explain one element of the topic. Test takers are given one minute to prepare their discussion, as well as a pencil and paper with which to take notes. The examiner instructs the test participants to speak for 1 to 2 minutes before stopping them. Then he will ask a couple of questions on the topic.

*It is important to note that using the points on the task card effectively, and taking notes while the preparation time, will help the test takers think of appropriate things to say, structure their talk, and keep talking for 2 minutes. Part 2 lasts 3–4 minutes, including the preparation time.

Task Focus – This section of the examination focuses on your ability to speak at length on a specific topic (without prompting from the examiner), use proper language, and organize your thoughts in a logical manner. The test-takers will most likely have to rely on their own experience to accomplish the long turn.

PART 3 – Discussion

Task Type and Format – In Part 3, the examiner and test-takers address issues linked to the topic in Part 2 in a more general and abstract manner, as well as in greater depth, where applicable. This Part 3 may last for is 4–5 minutes.

Task Focus – This part of the test focuses on the ability to express and justify opinions and to analyze, discuss and speculate about issues

Howis  the IELTS Speaking Test Marked?

Now it is time we discuss the marking and assessment criteria for the IELTS Speaking Test:

Criterion 1 – Fluency and coherence

This refers to the ability to speak with recommended levels of consistency, rate, and effort, as well as the ability to connect thoughts and language to make coherent, connected speech. Speech pace and speech continuity are the two most important indices of fluency. Coherence is defined by logical sentence sequencing, unambiguous labeling of stages in a conversation, narration, or argument, and the use of cohesive devices (e.g. connectors, pronouns and conjunctions) in and between sentences.

Criterion 2 – Lexical resource

This criterion concerns the terminology employed as well as the precision with which concepts and attitudes can be articulated. The diversity of words used, their sufficiency and appropriateness, and the capacity to circumlocute (get around a vocabulary gap by using other terms) with or without evident hesitation are the main indicators.

Criterion 3 – Grammatical range and accuracy

This relates to the extent of the test takers’ grammatical resources as well as their accurate and suitable use. The length and complexity of spoken sentences, the appropriate use of subordinate clauses, and the diversity of sentence structures, especially to move pieces around for information focus, are all important indicators of grammatical range. The frequency of grammatical inaccuracies in a given amount of speech and the communicative effect of error are the two most important indicators of grammatical accuracy.

Criterion 4 – Pronunciation

This criterion refers to the ability to make an understandable speech in order to get good grades in the Speaking test. The degree of strain placed on the listener, the amount of speech that is incoherent, and the detectability of L1 influence will be the key indicators.

FAQ’s Related to IELTS Speaking Test

How long does the IELTS Speaking Test last?

The total duration of the IELTS Speaking Test is about 11 – 14 minutes. Part 1 may last for 3 – 4 minutes, Part 2 for 3 – 4 minutes, and Part 3 for 4 – 5 minutes.

Is the IELTS Speaking Test face – to – face with an examiner or by a computer?

The IELTS Speaking test will be a face – to – face with the examiner.

How is the marking for the IELTS Speaking Test done?

The IELTS Speaking Test evaluation or assessment is done on the basis of fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Each of the Assessment criteria will account for 25% of the marks.

What will happen when I speak for more than 2 minutes in the IELTS Speaking Test part 2?

The examiner will keep a watch on time very strictly, and the moment it is 2 minutes, he will stop you and move on to part 3.

Can I choose my topic to talk about in IELT Speaking Test Part 2?

No, the examiner will provide a topic card that will contain a list of prompts.

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